One Minute Mind Managers. Affirmations for Success

An affirmation is a declaration that something is positive or true. Affirmations are statements to repeat to yourself in order to implant them in your mind. Believers recommend that you visualize the desired outcome when you recite the affirmation which will strengthen your belief. The more positive messages you repeat to yourself increase your chances of losing weight
successfully and keeping it off.
There are many places both online and off where you can find daily affirmations that applies to weight lo ss and keeping yourself motivated. One place is has affirmations that you can work with on a daily basis.
If you are feeling limited by your body and have a bogged down feeling try these affirmations from free-daily-affirmation dot com. “I move through space lightly and effortlessly.”
“I feel light and joyful.”
Another website, holisticonline also has some wonderful
affirmations you can use in your journey to achieve successful weight loss. Here are a few examples you can use ‘as is’ or use to make your own.
“I’m on the road to fitness”
“I am feeling thinner today”
“I am losing weight now”
“I love the feeling of making progress”
“I love the food that makes me thin”
If you need help sculpting your affirmations there are some fantastic mind manager products available. This is a great option if you feel you need the extra help and support.
Make whatever affirmations you find your own. Mold them to fit what will work for you.
“Losing weight is effortless”
“I am on the road to a healthier me”
“I am ready and I deserve to be thin again”
“I am committed to becoming healthier”
“I deserve a lean and healthy body”
“It won’t be long and I will be buying clothes in a smaller size”
“Water always satisfies my food cravings”
“It feels great to eat healthy”
“I enjoy my new positive attitude”
“I feel thin today and I love it”
“I am losing weight right now”
“I notice changes in myself every day”
“Staying positive will help me achieve my goal”
“Exercising every day is something I enjoy”
“I will succeed”
“Failure is not an option”
One thing to keep in mind is that in order for any affirmation to work it has to be believable, reasonable, and acceptable. So if you find yourself thinking about a big bowl of ice cream repeat an affirmation until you no longer want that bowl of ice cream. If you believe it, it will work.