Pain or Pleasure: Making the Connection

Pleasure and pain Why do people as a society consistently make choices that are not in our best interest? Scientists and philosophers for years have been trying to understand why we make these choices for ourselves. We know it is wrong and can harm us in the long run, yet we continue. Why?
As a general rule we will not do something for ourselves that does not feel good. So regardless if it is bad for us, if it feels good we will continue to engage in whatever it is. People will continue to smoke, eat high fat high cholesterol foods, and partake in dangerous sports because for that short amount of time it’s pleasurable and we aren’t thinking so much about the long term risks.
When these pleasure seeking behaviors begin to take control of our lives, such as when an addiction to food leads to obesity or taking pain killers leads to a drug addiction, this is when problems begin to happen. Not only do these things cause us pain but it causes those around us who love us pain as well. What we need to do is learn how to intervene before what brought us such pleasure, now just causes pain. Motivational speakers like Tony Robbins often speak of the pleasure and pain idea at his conferences. And when it comes to losing weight you have to be able to visualize the rewards of losing weight as the pleasure and make the unhealthy foods that caused the weight gain the pain. The diet itself has to become the pleasure. While dieting is never easy, with the right motivation and thinking, it won’t take long before you no longer dread
hearing or using the word “diet.” Many people have successfully used hypnosis to help them on the right path.