Purist's Lemonade Recipes

Purist's Lemonade Recipes

5 to 6 Lemons - right off the tree if possible
3 quarts of filtered water (or to taste depending upon how tart your lemons are)
3/4 cup or to taste pure (Grade C) Maple syrup

Juice lemons and pour into a blender (strain pulp and seeds if that's your preference). Add 3/4 cup maple syrup and blend until well mixed (about 10 seconds, or so). Adjust sweetener to your liking and continue blending process 'til you have it where you want it. Pour sweetened lemon juice into a one gallon container and gradually add water. Shake well and adjust water and sweetener to your liking. Add a few lemon slices and chill or add ice. Great for parties.
For an added twist, toss a few strawberries into the blender during the first step. Heavenly!
Please forgive my the shoot from the hip style of this recipe. I usually make it without measuring anything. So, the big cue on this one is - Adjust to taste. It's simple, pure and delicious.
Yum! Makes: 3 qts. - 1 gal. Preparation time: 20 min.
Recipe Courtesy of Sharon "Purist's Lemonade"