The Voyager 1 and 2 are going through the heliosheath, the last layer of space to even get the wind of particles that spits out the sun and form a protective egg known as the heliosphere, which envelops all the planets. According to Stone, the heliosheath extends about 4,000 million miles, a distance that he hopes the Voyager having run in 2016 or so. Beyond lies the interstellar space, which has never reached a human instrument. "They may be off in five years, but is only an estimate, because they ignore the characteristics of the region nearest interstellar space," explains Public Norman Ness, professor emeritus at the University of Delaware (USA) and member of Team of the Voyager last 40 years. Among other things, the program has demonstrated the limits of the heliosphere are irregular and changing. Because of these irregularities and that the area has never been explored, each team member has an opinion about when they will probe the solar system permanently. " Probably it done before five years , "says Stamatios Krimigis, who claims to be the most veretano active member of the project, with 42 years spent in the Voyager . "I do not think that our generation will see a mission comparable to this," he says. The plutonium-powered craft that will last until 2015, according to Ness, just when they will be crossing the border. "Technically you can run longer, but will have to put some tools," he says.
Bach and whales
The Voyager 1 , launched in September 1977, is the human artifact has gone further in space. His twin was launched in August of that year and is still the only spacecraft to have visited Uranus and Neptune, the two outer planets of the solar system. Both carry the same message of humanity recorded on a gold disc includes extraterrestrial greetings in 55 languages , including Spanish. Also includes a collection of sounds from Earth, such as whale calls, as well as musical pieces by Bach. After escaping the Solar System will begin a mission impossible. A speed of 17 kilometers per second from Voyager 1 , the probe would have to work 40,000 years to reach the nearest stars with your message on board.