One Minute Ideas for Dining Out

Ideas for Dining Out , Just because you are on a diet does not mean you shouldn’t be able to enjoy going out to eat once in a while. What it means is making a slight change in the foods that you do order. While there are menu items that you need to stay away from you will still have many great choices when it comes to ordering.

There are certain words used to describe food that while it sounds delicious, will wreak havoc on your hips and waist. So if any foods are described with these words, creamed, fried, Au gratin, battered, casserole, hollandaise, béarnaise, Au fromage, pot pie, in pastry crust, or in a cheesy or creamy sauce…stay away.
If you are planning to eat at a fast food restaurant you can still make healthier choices. The first thing is to never super-size anything. Stick with the smallest portions they offer. If you have the option of ordering a chicken sandwich rather than a hamburger, do it. If you would rather have the beef patty, practice these words, “hold the cheese, and no mayo.” Forget the fries; ask for a salad, or a baked potato substitute. And rather than ordering a regular soda, order a diet drink or for a much healthier choice, stick with water.

Here are just a few more simple tips to keep in mind when you are dining out.

  • If you begin your meal with a soup or salad you will be less likely to over eat your main meal if the restaurant serves large portions.
  • Only have one piece of bread with a small amount of butter from the bread basket on the table. If you find yourself reaching for another piece ask your waitress to remove the temptation.
  • You can still enjoy the delicious and rich sauces that are often served with a main course, just as for yours on the side.
  • This will help you to control the amount you eat. Choose foods from the menu that are grilled rather than fried.
  • If you know the restaurant serves large portions share an entrée with someone. This will keep your portion to a normal size. If you have no one to share with take half your entrée to go.

There is a term that everyone should know. If you have never heard it, write it down and have it become part of your daily affirmations. The saying is, “eat the rainbow of colors.” It means that the next time you fill your plate with food look to see what colors are on it. Dull, bland, and boring foods are the ones you most likely should be avoiding whereas the bright and vibrant colors are exactly what you should be looking at.