Shopping Tips Online at eBay

Shopping online (Online Shopping, Shop Online) on one of the biggest online marketplace on the internet is a pleasant experience, especially for those of you who buy products through the auction process or the Auction. Seperti halnya di offline marketplace, belanja online di internet termasuk belanja di eBay tidak luput dari bahaya penipuan bahkan dengan belanja online( Shopping Online , Shop Online ) kemungkinan besar pembeli lebih mudah tertipu dikarenakan pembeli tidak bertemu langsung dengan penjual pada saat bertransaksi. As in the offline marketplace, online shopping on the internet including shopping in the eBay not escape from the danger of fraud even with shopping online (Online Shopping, Shop Online) more likely to gullible buyers because the buyer does not meet directly with the seller on the deal.

If you intend shopping online through eBay, the following tips can help you to avoid things that hurt.

* Seller Feedback - The more the number of Positive Feedbacks more sellers means seller can be trusted.
* Postage & Handling Cost - This is very important to note because many vendors that sell products (eg Women's Clothing, Men's Clothing) with very cheap price but the shipping cost is very expensive. Harga Barang $0.99 , biaya pengiriman $20 - $40! Barang price $ 0.99, shipping $ 20 - $ 40!
* Seller Country of Origin - Products that are sold on eBay Australiacth Women's Clothing, Men Clothing not necessarily sent from Australia even though the seller is in Australia or even the seller is in another country but to sell their products on eBay Australia. Apabila produk tersebut dikirim dari luar Australia, kemungkinan biaya kirim ke Australia menjadi lebih mahal dan apabila ada masalah dengan produk tersebut maka biaya pengiriman kembali ke negara penjual ditanggung oleh pembeli. If the product is sent from outside Australia, it is possible to tell the cost of Australia become more expensive and if there is a problem with the product then the cost of shipping back to the country of the seller by the buyer.
* Payment Method - Paypal to provide more security guarantee for the buyer compared to Direct Deposit.
* Product Picture & Description - When the description of the product is less clear, it is better to ask the seller to get confirmation before you buy. Gambar produk yang ditampilan kadang belum tentu sesuai dengan produk yang anda beli, misalnya barang yang dijual bekas tetapi penjual menggunakan gambar dari barang yang masih baru cth Jual Kaos , Jual Kaus . Product image shown sometimes not necessarily in accordance with the product you buy, for example, goods that are sold but the seller used the image of the goods that are still new eg Sell T-shirt, T-Shirt Sell.
* Return Policy - buyers need to know whether the product can be returned or exchanged if there is a problem because eBay also sells second-hand goods eg Sell T-shirt, T-Shirt Sell.
* Registered Post and Insurance Extra Cover - With a little more expensive to pay for shipping with Registered Post and insurance, security products for more secure delivery. Apabila terjadi kerusakan produk pada saat pengiriman dan merupakan kesalahan perusahaan pengiriman, anda dapat mengajukan claim untuk mendapatkan ganti rugi. If the damage occurred at the time of product delivery and shipping companies is an error, you can submit a claim to get compensation.
* Updated Address - Make sure your address is the address at eBay so that the latest products you can buy up to you to address.